Stessa grande qualità, scala più ampia.
La Hutong School ora opera come That's Mandarin.
Ora puoi aspettarti le stesse fantastiche lezioni di cinese con accesso alla piattaforma di apprendimento cinese online NihaoCafe.
Da 2 settimane a 1 anno – vieni a vivere a Pechino o Shanghai per imparare il mandarino e scoprire la Cina immergendoti in un’esperienza a 360 gradi!
Acquisisci esperienza professionale a Pechino, Shanghai e Chengdu. Scegli il tuo stage ideale in Cina tra oltre 300 posizioni in tutti i settori.
Ripassa il tuo cinese orale e scopri nuovi modi coinvolgenti per insegnare il Cinese ai tuoi studenti.
Esplora la Cina da una prospettiva unica mentre migliori i tuoi studi unendoti ai nostri tour educativi.
Impara il cinese comodamente da casa tua con la nostra gamma di lezioni online dal vivo. Connettiti con insegnanti madrelingua esperti ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.
Entra a far parte di una NGO en Cina per sostenere una della loro cause: educazione, salute, ambiente e benessere animale.
Passa un’estate a Pechino con il nostro programma estivo. Incontra amici da tutto il mondo e immergiti nella cultura cinese mentre impari la lingua!
Alla Hutong school, ogni studente riceve una iniziale valutazione del livello linguistico e un piano di studi personalizzato. I nostri insegnanti non solo si distinguono per eccellenti risultati accademici, ma soprattutto per le ottime capacità relazionali e per la devozione all’insegnamento del cinese.
È inoltre possibile usufruire di incontri settimanali gratuiti con i nostri tutor, ci stiamo organizzando per dare ad ognuno dei nostri studenti un feedback personalizzato sul proprio processo di apprendimento e fornire loro consigli per l’apprendimento.
Dato che crediamo che l’insegnamento personalizzato sia la chiave per risultati rapidi ed efficaci, organizziamo classi di poche persone per lo studio di cinese mandarino, con una media di 4 o 5 studenti per classe.
I nostri studenti amano la Hutong School. Leggi le loro recensioni e testimonianze qui.
I completed a 3-month intensive language course, which greatly improved my Chinese language capability. I appreciate the opportunity to have experienced the Chinese culture first-hand, as well as, the opportunity to make lifelong friendships with my classmates, teachers and the staff. Hutong School provided me with a safe and comfortable residence in which to stay. The staff was always willing and happy to help me with anything that I needed.
My stay at the Hutong School was amazing because I had super good professors and I have met a lot of different students from all around the world during my 6 months' stay. More you stay, better it is to improve faster your Chinese level and share incredible moments with locals. Moreover, there is a bunch of activities proposed by the school, so you can discover the city, etc.
A great organization that takes good care of you. From day one I was met with open arms by the Hutong School staff, which made the transition easy. They provided an important social structure and offered plenty of social events throughout my stay. Whether you’re an experienced traveller, or spending your first time abroad, Hutong School provides the much needed comfort, and administrative support, that helps you to solely focus on your stay abroad. My stay in Shanghai left me as a more experienced employee, and most importantly a happier person.
Just kidding! His Chinese is already really impressive. But Mark, you're always welcome if you want to practice those tones ?
I’ve joined the Hutong School in Beijing and Shanghai two times already – and every time it was a great and wonderful experience. The accommodation is quite okay. The people at the Hutong School are very nice and helpful in every way. The teachers are very motivated and well prepared. And the School offers a lot of fun free-time activities. The “Hutong-School-weeks” were one of my best in my live – and I can recommend it in every way. You not only learn a lot – you also meet a lot of new friends.
They provided me with an outstanding placement, tailored language classes and critical welcome assistance. I must have asked the staff a thousand times to change my program, two thousand times to sign up for activities and three thousand times I changed my mind, but I’ve always been assisted with a smile. Priceless experience, priceless staff!
I decided to quit my job and take a 3 months crash course. A decision I do not regret. Hutong School is honestly always there to support you with daily things and to help you out...Learning Chinese is a whole different experience, since you have to cross a cultural border to understand the language and its structure.
Hutong School gave me the opportunity to meet other students from all over the world and help adapt to Chinese culture. The events are always fun and a great way to meet other students, as well as seeing different parts of the city. Hutong School is really flexible with the class schedules, so you never miss out on fun activities!