4 tips to stay healthy during Autumn

There is an old saying: “People don’t get ill during Summer, but they easily get ill at the beginning of Autumn .” 

After Liqiu (a lunar Festival celebrating the beginning of Autumn), the mornings and evenings become a lot colder and people get tired quickely. The cool air of Autumn can therefore easily enter a human’s body and make people sick.

俗话说:“一夏无病三分虚”,立秋一到,气候虽然早晚凉爽,但仍有   秋老虎肆虐,故人极易倦怠、乏力、纳呆等。在民间素有“秋补”习俗。万物正可谓:“春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏”。秋季是一年中由热向冷的过渡季节,气温变化较大,空气   湿度偏小。“肃杀之气”易侵入机体,所以古人称秋季是个“多病”的时节。秋天气候多变,早午晚及室内外温差较大。因此,在秋天应注意天气变化,及时增减衣服,加强户外活动,增强机体抵抗力。 秋季,气温开始降低,雨量减少,空气湿度相对降低,气候偏于干燥。

Lao Guo has some great tips to get through Autumn in top condition:


1. Keep exercising in Autumn

Don’t stop going to the gym because the weather outside is getting colder. The exercise will help you relax your mind and chase away the tiredness in your body.

一、坚持秋练。秋练是指积极锻炼身体,提高健康水平,增强抗病能力。要多进行体育活动,并让身体多“冻”着点。俗话说 “春捂秋冻”,气温下降不要急于添加过多的衣服,使身体有抗御风寒的能力。但是也要因人而异,不能过于教条。以保证不着凉为前提,适当“秋冻”。

2. Eat more juicy food and less spicy or fried food

During Autumn the Yin system in your body needs more fluids. Juicy foods like Lily, Lotus roots and seeds, tomatoes, corn, sesame, soybean juice, etc., are very good to moisten your body and keep away illness. Definitely try to avoid spicy and fried foods during this season. They will have the opposite effect on your body and health.


3. Drink a glass of warm water in the morning

To kick off your day with lots of energy in Autumn, it is advisable to drink a glas of warm water every day when you get up. It will also be very helpful for your health at this time of year.


4. Adjust your clothes to the temperature outside

During Autumn the weather has the tendency to change a lot. Some days it is still very warm, others we can already feel the cold coming our way. Don’t forget to bring that extra sweater when you go out, so you can wear it when the temperatures start dropping at night.

老郭重点提示: 坚持秋防。秋防是指预防秋季易于感染的一些常见病、多发病。如感冒。





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